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relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Podcast","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my 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or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Widely used in my field","Q18":"Yes","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Active developer community","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed 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GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as 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opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Free","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use 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my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"RSS feed","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For 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submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such 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at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical 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analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues","Q24_K":"Online support group for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Interactive/functional programming style","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"No","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Other (please specify)","Q17_B":"I would have ticked free if it is meant as Richard Stallman defines it: freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_H":"Here is a really good French site: http://rug.mnhn.fr/semin-r/","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_F":"R workshop aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_H":"Training in non-English language (specify language in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Widely used in my field","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Agree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Free","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Supportive user community","Q18":"Yes"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Widely used in my field","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"No","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_F":"R workshop aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"No","Q17":"Too many idiosyncracies","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my 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platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Framework for package creation and sharing","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Interactive/functional programming style","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"R manual; R vignettes; JSS; Reading in the R source; Asking colleagues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Non-Binary/Unknown","Q3":"35 or under","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for automating repetitive tasks","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Agree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Active developer community","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_E":"The rOpenSci mailing lists or chat forums","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R 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(please specify)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Free","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze 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by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Flexible/extensible/scalable","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_F":"R workshop aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_K":"Online support group for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues","Q24_K":"Online support group for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, 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R workshops"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"No","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R 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analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"R-bloggers","Q20":"RSS feed","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"Yes","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Widely used in my field","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"Rblogs","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R 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women in R","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Other (please specify)","Q20_B":"r-bloggers.com","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"Yes","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q19_H":"search the problem on the web","Q20":"Google+","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R 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interesting to me)","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Widely used in my field","Q18":"No","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R 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(e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"No","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_H":"Just google and use anything listed","Q20":"Website","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or 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general user group","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q20":"Podcast","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or 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queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not relevant (the topics are not interesting to me)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"No","Q19_H":"Google searches","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work 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agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for automating repetitive tasks","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R 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designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Flexible/extensible/scalable","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R 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specify)","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Google+","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze 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packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Free","Q18":"No","Q19_H":"I'm new to R and not aware of these support resources. 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support site","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_L":"Special facilities at R conferences (give further detail in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Interactive/functional programming style","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or 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disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Interactive/functional programming style","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not relevant (the topics are not interesting to me)","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"RSS feed","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for creating web apps","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q20":"Other (please specify)","Q20_B":"Rbloggers","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Women","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"No","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q20":"Other (please specify)","Q20_B":"All of the above except Facebook.","Q21":"No","Q22":"A general user group","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for automating repetitive tasks","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Podcast","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Active developer community","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q19_H":"colleagues who are also R programmers","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make 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purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"R-Bloggers","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_K":"Online support group for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q12":"No","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"No","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Supportive user community","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"Yes","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Other (please specify)","Q17_B":"I have serious reservations about R (lack of namespaces and referential transparency) but it is widely used in my field and good for visualization","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Active developer community","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues","Q24_L":"Special facilities at R conferences (give further detail in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and 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course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q22":"A general user group","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Men","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q22":"A general user group","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_E":"The rOpenSci mailing lists or chat forums","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Agree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Widely used in my field","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 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for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Widely used in my field","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too 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contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q19_H":"Search on google.com","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my 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have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The 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course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Agree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Flexible/extensible/scalable","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing 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conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q23":"It is not relevant (the topics are not interesting to me)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code 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(specify location in comments box)","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing 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R","Q24_F":"R workshop aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Free","Q18":"Yes","Q19_H":"local R meetup group","Q20":"Website","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work 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on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q20":"Website","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Free","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"Other (please specify)","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not relevant (the topics are not interesting to me)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or 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course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Flexible/extensible/scalable","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Podcast","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_K":"Online support group for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Supportive user community","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q22":"A user group within a company"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or 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disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for interoperability and data integration","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"Rbloggers","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"No 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GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for working with biological data structures","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"r user group locally","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"Other (please specify)","Q22_B":"geographic","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Other (please specify)","Q17_B":"Several of the above: Free Open Source; extensible, functional, reproducible research; wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Free","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or 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purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Active developer community","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_F":"R workshop aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly disagree","Q15_B":"Strongly disagree","Q15_C":"Strongly agree","Q15_D":"Strongly agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"Other (please specify)","Q22_B":"A users group for all users in my country","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_H":"Training in non-English language (specify language in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_E":"The rOpenSci mailing lists or chat forums","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Other (please specify)","Q17_B":"I would only recommend R for data analysis using the tidyverse. Base R has far too many idiosyncrasies.","Q18":"Yes","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Disagree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"No","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues","Q24_K":"Online support group for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Supportive user community","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24_F":"R workshop aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Interactive/functional programming style","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"RSS feed","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals 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analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"google","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The 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research","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A user group within a university","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops"} {"Q2":"Non-Binary/Unknown","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not relevant (the topics are not interesting to me)","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_E":"The rOpenSci mailing lists or chat forums","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"No 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given","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"R-bloggers","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 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(specify language in comments box)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues","Q24_K":"Online support group for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as a recreational activity, in your free time;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"No","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"RSS feed","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} 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list","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_L":"Special facilities at R conferences (give further detail in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"GitHub Issues tab","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I 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manuals","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q22":"Other (please specify)","Q22_B":"Not applicable","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Agree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q22":"A user group within a university","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q17":"Other (please specify)","Q17_B":"I think for questions 16 and 17 it depends on why my friends would want to learn a programming language.","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"the other people in my department","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_F":"R workshop aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"No","Q19_H":"Google and textbooks.","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 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packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for automating repetitive tasks","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"asking friends / colleagues who use R","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"No","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Women","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"Yes","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"Other (please specify)","Q22_B":"An R user group","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I 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location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Widely used in my field","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"Quick-r web, r-bloggers, dirk edd web","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 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demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I 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queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"Other (please specify)","Q22_B":"Informal user group for govt and academia","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for 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(specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as a recreational activity, in your free time;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job 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user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"No","Q17":"Would recommend other software/programming language over R","Q18":"No","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24_D":"Paid 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style","Q18":"No","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"No","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on 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group"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"No","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from 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opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The 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GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"No","Q20":"Blog","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze 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contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Other (please specify)","Q17_B":"Covers the full spectrum of data analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze 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box)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q18":"Yes"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Disagree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Agree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Free","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 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group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"No opinion","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"STAT 545 at UBC","Q20":"Twitter","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work 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conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Flexible/extensible/scalable","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_K":"Online support group for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 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user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_F":"R workshop aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for automating repetitive tasks","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Free","Q18":"No","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or 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first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my 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data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Facebook","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues","Q24_K":"Online support group for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze 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issues, specialised ML (adegenet-forum, R-sig-genetics)","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R 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under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Active developer community"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for reproducible research","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Open source","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_H":"R-bloggers","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"Other (please specify)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"< 2 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q22":"A user group within a university","Q23":"I feel too inexperienced","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by 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released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Disagree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Agree","Q15_D":"No opinion","Q16":"No","Q17":"Encourages bad programming practices"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Other (please specify)","Q20_B":"Why not all of the above?","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A user group within a university"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"No","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 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group is inactive"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Disagree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Free","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"> 10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such 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purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"Strongly disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Strongly agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Widely used in my field"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19":"The R mailing lists","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_K":"Online support group for my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"No 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group","Q23":"Other (please specify)","Q24_B":"New R user group near me aimed at my demographic (specify relevant group in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q13_F":"I have written my own R package and released it on CRAN or Bioconductor (or shared it on GitHub, R-Forge or similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational 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similar platforms)","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"No opinion","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Wide range of packages","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_C":"Free local introductory R workshops","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such 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me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_D":"Paid local advanced R workshops"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Widely used in my field","Q18":"Yes","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"It is not necessary (I have the support I need)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or 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groups","Q20":"Website","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"No","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"No","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"There is no group nearby/the group is inactive","Q24":"New R user group near me (specify location in comments box)","Q24_G":"Mentoring (e.g. first CRAN submission/useR! abstract submission/GitHub contribution)"} {"Q2":"Women","Q3":"> 35","Q7":"Doctorate/Professional","Q8":"Academic","Q11":"5-10 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"Primarily as part of a job or educational course;","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Agree","Q15_C":"Disagree","Q15_D":"Disagree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for statistical analysis","Q18":"Yes","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q19_F":"The Bioconductor support site","Q20":"Mailing list","Q21":"No","Q23":"I am too busy","Q24_E":"R workshop at conference in my domain (specify domain/conference in comments box)","Q24_J":"Online forum to discuss R-related issues"} {"Q2":"Men","Q3":"35 or under","Q7":"Masters or 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job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Strongly disagree","Q15_B":"Strongly disagree","Q15_C":"Strongly agree","Q15_D":"Strongly agree","Q16":"Yes"} {"Q2":"Men","Q7":"Masters or lower","Q8":"Non-academic","Q11":"2-5 years","Q12":"Yes","Q13":"I use functions from existing R packages to analyze data","Q13_B":"I write R code designed to make my work easier, such as loops or conditionals or functions","Q13_C":"I write R functions for use by myself or my collaborators","Q13_D":"I contribute to R packages (on CRAN or elsewhere)","Q13_E":"I have written my own R package","Q14":"For both recreational and job/educational purposes.","Q15":"Agree","Q15_B":"Strongly agree","Q15_C":"No opinion","Q15_D":"Agree","Q16":"Yes","Q17":"Good for visualisation","Q18":"Yes","Q19_B":"The #rstats hashtag on Twitter","Q19_C":"The R StackOverflow queues","Q20":"RSS feed","Q21":"Yes","Q22":"A general user group"}